US/UK Theta13 Workshop

From: Steve Biller <>
Date: Tue Apr 20 2004 - 09:01:32 CDT

                       Oxford, June 21-22

  Dear colleague,

  In the light of recent activity directed at possible reactor-based
measurements of theta13, we aim to hold a small workshop at Oxford on
June 21-22, immediately following the Neutrino 2004 conference in Paris.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for a general
discussion of reactor-based theta13 measurements and specifically explore
the possibility of a joint US/UK experimental effort. We very much hope
you will be interested in participating in this workshop and invite you
to see the further details on the following webpage:

                                           Steve Biller & Nick Jelley
Received on Tue Apr 20 08:01:49 2004

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