I thought this might be of interest. Jun is a former postdoc of mine on
mini-BooNE who is now at IHEP in Beijing.
-- Byron Roe (byronroe@umich.edu) Office: 355 W. Hall (734)764-4441 Mailing Address: Department of Physics, Randall Laboratory University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
attached mail follows:
My official address is
Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing 100039, People's Republic of China
I browsed through the reconstruction paper. Hope I could find time to read it carefully next week.
I am working on Daya Bay experiment in full time. I built a geant 3 based MC software for detector design and background estimation. I am also working on detector location optimization. Power Plant supports this experiment. We have submitted a preliminary feasibility report with several schemes(tunnel entrances) to Power Plant as they required earlier. It is on the track of review procedure. Funding is of course the most difficult part. Two important agencies are aware of this project and had some preliminary discussions on cost sharing. Now we have a weekly phone meeting with some US universities. There will be a meeting in Washington to discuss the formation of collaboration in next month. Date is around Sep, 18-19, depends on if Hesheng Chen could get visa on time. I will not attend that meeting. This experiment will be also discussed in the US-SINO annual high energy physics meeting in Oct.
Best Regards,
Jun Cao
Experimental Physics Center
Institute of High Energy Physics
Tel: (010) 8823 5808
----- Original Message -----
From: "Byron Roe" <byronroe@umich.edu>
To: "Jun Cao" <caojun@umich.edu>
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 3:30 AM
Subject: What is your official new address
> For our reconstruction publication we will need to have an "official" new
> address. I currently have it as:
> \address($^a$Now at BES, Beijing, China}
> What should it read?
> I hope things are going well for you there. Are you now working on the
> theta13 experiment?
> Byron
> --
> Byron Roe (byronroe@umich.edu)
> Office: 355 W. Hall (734)764-4441
> Mailing Address: Department of Physics, Randall Laboratory
> University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Received on Mon Aug 9 08:00:33 2004
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