From: Bolton, Tim (
Date: Wed Jul 13 2005 - 11:20:14 CDT
I should add that Alfred is joining us as a post-doc at KSU!
Tim Bolton
High Energy Physics Group
Kansas State University
From: Matthew Worcester []
Sent: Wed 7/13/2005 11:18 AM
Cc: Alfred Tang
Subject: new note on muon background
Hi all,
I've posted a new note, "Effects of a Vertical Shaft to Muon Background",
by Alfred Tang, currently at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, to the
Braidwood site. The note details his modified Gaisser parameterization
for surface muons, a different approach than the fit to data used by
Martina and Jim's study. His more detailed MAND-sim talk on this work is
also available at:
His note also gives very interesting results from a study of the effect of
a vertical shaft near the detector on the underground muon flux. Thanks
again to Alfred for graciously sending such a nice writeup. If you have
any questions on the note, please include him on the email.
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