From: Mike Shaevitz (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2006 - 17:05:40 CST
Dear All,
As you know the NuSAG report was submitted to HEPAP
yesterday. I have attached a copy of the report. The
recommendations (see pages 27-28) are supportive of Nova and
one multi-detector reactor experiment with sin2(2th13)
sensitivity down to 0.01.
We will have a phone meeting on Tues. March 7 at 1:30 pm cst
to discuss the report and preparation for P5. (This was the
time with best overlap of people.)
Please let Ed and me know if you have any specific comments
or suggestions.
Ed and Mike
PS For the phone meeting use the following:
Call 1-510-883-7860 and enter 826763 followed by # sign at
the prompt.
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