[Fwd: Input to P5]

From: Mike Shaevitz (shaevitz@nevis.columbia.edu)
Date: Sun Mar 12 2006 - 09:22:48 CST

Dear Colleagues,

As you see from the note below, we have been asked to
provide cost and schedule information to P5 by March 16. We
  have most of this information in our submitted proposal
and it should be easy to respond to the P5 request. Ed and
I will draft a response over the next few days and send it
around for comment.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Input to P5
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 22:03:24 -0800
From: Claudio Campagnari <claudio@charm.physics.ucsb.edu>
To: e-blucher@uchicago.edu, blucher@hep.uchicago.edu,
CC: Claudio Campagnari <claudio@charm.physics.ucsb.edu>

Dear Ed and Mike,

   As you know, P5 is charged to propose a detailed ten-year
roadmap for
the U.S. HEP program along with a specific prioritization of
the major
elements of the roadmap. Some information about P5 can be
found here:
   To start the process, we are collecting basic cost and
information about major projects in neutrino physics. Much
is already compiled in the NuSAG reports, but we'd also like
your input
directly. We understand it is very difficult to capture a
project in a few numbers, and there are always large
uncertainties about
the future, but we need your current estimates of the following:

1) total project cost
2) contingency or uncertainty in cost
3) earliest time the experiment could start construction;
earliest time
you could start taking data; time when key results might be
4) if you have it, an approximate cost phasing by year

In any cases in which these numbers differ substantially
from what is
written in the NuSAG reports, we'd also appreciate your
perspective on
the differences.

There will be opportunities in the future to review and
amend these
numbers, but we need a preliminary set now to start framing
our work.
Could you please therefore send your answers by 16 March?
We apologize
for the short notice, but we hope these are numbers you
already have.
Thanks very much for your help!

Best regards,
   Claudio Campagnari, Boris Kayser, Ann Nelson, and Steve Ritz

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