CVS Log for Makefile.libs,v

head 1.1;

Version 1.1
@New makefile structure. configure script now required to generate local_g4version.hh (much as in GLG4sim) Major changes in this makefile: * configure script now required (checks for GEANT4, sets up GEANT4 version header in include, more stuff will be added soon) * Dump GEANT4 makefile for compiling binaries (binmake.gmk) in order to have more control. Still use architecture-specific makefiles from GEANT4 to avoid having to figure all that stuff out myself. * Build goes to build/ directory rather than ~/geant4/tmp. Now you can be working on several copies of RAT without them stepping on each other. * Build files go into architecture-specific directories, which means you can build Linux, Solaris, etc. in the same source tree, and they won't step on each other. Output binary is rat_$(G4SYSTEM). Script coming that will make it easy to call the right one. * GLG4sim is compiled from original source. Do not execute the GLG4sim/configure script. * GLG4sim and RAT all linked together into librat. No separate libglg4sim anymore. * RATEvent shared library for root goes into lib/, along with librat.a. * I think the dependencies all work correctly now.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;

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Matthew Worcester
Last modified: Thu Sep 15 16:58:01 CDT 2005