CVS Log for include/RATEventBuilderProc.hh,v

head 1.2;

Version 1.2
@ Updated DAQ simulation so that it now uses the database to set the relevant control parameters (see DAQ.ratdb---documentation coming very soon!). So, for example, if you would like to change the trigger threshold, you can add to your macro /rat/db/set DAQ nhit_thresh 100.0 which will set the threshold to 100 hits. Currently, we only have an `NHIT' trigger, but a `charge sum' trigger is on its way... (By the way, adding things to and using RATDB was amazingly easy).
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;

Version 1.1
@Broke RATSimpleDAQ into three RAT processors: RATFrontEndProc, RATTriggerProc, and RATEventBuilderProc. This should eventually make it easier to swap in and test different electronics DAQ architectures. To run the DAQ, you should include in your macro files: /proc/frontend /proc/trigger /proc/eventbuilder (see testIBDgen.mac for an example). The electronics specifications are still hard-coded; these will be put into the database in a subsequent update.
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;

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Matthew Worcester
Last modified: Tue Nov 8 18:36:00 CST 2005