CVS Log for src/,v

head 1.4;

Version 1.4
@New generator system which simplifies the code and eliminates magic numbers entirely. Only supports: * IBD and gun vertex generators * point, fill, and pain position generators * uniform and poisson distributed event times The cosmic and HEPEVT generators are broken for the time being. Will need to fix later.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.3
@Steve Sekula: I've made several important changes relevant to the implementation of the the veto system: (1) Migrated the GLG4sim/{include,src}/GLG4Vet* classes to {include,src}/BWVet*. This is to avoid introducing Braidwood- specific code into GLG4sim. Eventually we might consider making a "generic" veto system for permanent inclusion into GLG4sim. (2) Implented a processor for RAT to accumulate veto system information in the ROOT tree. (3) General code clean-up (removed unnecessary comments, control output with "verbose" flag)
date 2005.; author sekula; state Exp;

Version 1.2
@Eliminate displayed messages if user has not set /event/output_file. That is the GLG4sim output command, and RAT has a separate output processor. /event/output_file still works (to maintain backward compat with GLG4sim) but not required.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.1
@RAT now uses the Braidwood geometry.
date 2005.; author tunnell; state Exp;

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Matthew Worcester
Last modified: Sat Nov 19 12:00:00 CST 2005