CVS Log for src/,v

head 1.13;

Version 1.13
@Extra option for GEO tables in RATDB that help visualization: drawstyle - Force a volume to be draw either as "wireframe" or "solid". Handy for doing mixed wireframe/solid drawing, for example, making the tank and buffer wireframe while making everything else solid. force_auxedge - Force auxiliary edges to be drawn. Useful for adding some definition to curved surfaces, like a cylinder.
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.12
@Does not change default functionality. Added new feature for Bill Seligman: PMT locations can now be generated by giving a percentage coverage in solid angle (like in Fsim). To activate it, go into twozone.geo and change the innerPMT type from "pmtarray" to "generateByCoverage". You also need to set the variable "coverage". You can just uncomment the lines below "pmtarray" since I added them commented. The variable "rescale_radius", which is the PMT to center radius, is used in the calculation. If this is set to 3500 and "coverage" is set to .25, then the current PMT locations are given. The logic is all in RATGeoBuilder. I just overloaded and generalized functions, so not much was changed.
date 2006.; author tunnell; state Exp;

Version 1.11
@Reorder tests to allow multiple nested volumes to be disabled.
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.10
@Set GEO[innerPMT].vis_simple to 1 to force simplified PMT drawing during visualization. Rather than the full detailed PMT shape, only the bounding cylinder will be visible. Should speed up visualization drivers.
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.9
@New concentrator implementation with concentrator inside PMT cylinder boundary volume. Massive increase in speed, though not as fast as without concentrators.
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.8
@PMT concentrators (reflective Winston cones in front of PMT) added to the simulation complements of Gabriel Orebi Gann. Default is NO concentrator, but they can be enabled with this line at the top of your macro: /rat/db/set GEO[innerPMT] add_concentrator 1 Warning: This implementation makes the simulation run 6 times slower, so don't use concentrators in large jobs yet. A faster version is coming soon.
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.7
@Revert files that were accidentally changed in decay generator commit.
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.6
@decaychain generator added
date 2006.; author seligman; state Exp;

Version 1.5
@Forgot to actually call the function that sets the sensitive detector specificed in the database. Only affected veto, since PMT is handled separately. Thanks to Steve Sekula for much detective work in narrowing down this bug. (Also commented out visualization commands that caused problems and upped the muon energy to 90 GeV for some good fireworks.)
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.4
@Now the all information from materials.dat, GdScintProperties.dat and GLG4Sim's material construction source code is in RATDB. There is documentation in the wiki. More discussion at phone meeting.
date 2005.; author tunnell; state Exp;

Version 1.3
@Make r_min optional for the tube (solid cylinder). Make angle specifications of cylindrical and spherical sections in degrees. Allow rescale radius parameter for pmtarray to be used with both manual PMT directions and aim-at-a-point PMT directions.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.2
@Finished up RATDB-based detector geometry creation. It replaces our hard-coded geometry construction, and should be general enough to do both the PMT and veto geometries with the same code. This code is now wired into the rest of RAT, and is being used to build the detector. Still working on translating veto geometry text file into RATDB text file format (and checking dimensions along the way). Once done, we can retire the veto-specific geometry parser and builder classes.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;

Version 1.1
@First draft of RATDB adaptation of Steve's geometry builder. Only understands box, tube, sphere. Still need to implement pmt array and physical volume replicas. simple.geo is an example of the RATDB textfile to represent the current simple detector geometry. Note that this is not hooked in anywhere, and is only exercised by the unit tests at this point.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;

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Matthew Worcester
Last modified: Wed May 17 15:36:00 CDT 2006