Version 1.3
@Major rewrite of event data structure and RATProcessor API.
I think all of the code and macros here have be updated correctly.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;
Version 1.2
@Added signal handler to intercept Ctrl-C (SIGINT). Ctrl-C once, and
execution will gracefully terminate after the next event, and all
files will close properly, etc. Ctrl-C again and RAT terminates
immediately, just like before.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;
Version 1.1
@Initial revision
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
@import Stan Seibert's Reactor Analysis Tools (RAT) module
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Matthew Worcester Last modified: Thu Oct 13 13:40:00 CDT 2005