Version 1.7
@Elements can be constructed with specific isotope abundances. Used to
add deuterium and heavy water to the materials table, but may also
come in handy if anyone wants to try out enriched Gd in the detector.
*WARNING* D2O optics numbers ripped straight from the light water numbers,
so they are certain to be wrong. Will be fixed whenever I can figure out
where to copy the relevant information from SNOMAN.
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;
Version 1.6
@PMT concentrators (reflective Winston cones in front of PMT) added to the
simulation complements of Gabriel Orebi Gann. Default is NO concentrator,
but they can be enabled with this line at the top of your macro:
/rat/db/set GEO[innerPMT] add_concentrator 1
Warning: This implementation makes the simulation run 6 times slower, so
don't use concentrators in large jobs yet. A faster version is coming
date 2006.; author volsung; state Exp;
Version 1.5
@Now the all information from materials.dat, GdScintProperties.dat and GLG4Sim's material construction source code is in RATDB. There is documentation in the wiki. More discussion at phone meeting.
date 2005.; author tunnell; state Exp;
Version 1.4
@wrong pointer named used
date 2005.; author tunnell; state Exp;
Version 1.3
@Fix crash bug on several platforms dereferencing an unset pointer.
Probably copy-paste bug.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;
Version 1.2
@glg4sim's material and element class construction has been moved into RAT and the data has been put into RATDB. If you look in your data directory, you will see two new files: MATERIALS.ratdb and ELEMENTS.ratdb. Their documentation is in the wiki. I still need to add optical surfaces and optics to the mix. I tried to be very careful, and checked the MATERIALS file a few times, but I had to do a lot of data entry by hand, so if you see any weird material behavior, post a bug report!
date 2005.; author tunnell; state Exp;
Version 1.1
@Finished up RATDB-based detector geometry creation. It replaces our
hard-coded geometry construction, and should be general enough to do
both the PMT and veto geometries with the same code. This code is now
wired into the rest of RAT, and is being used to build the detector.
Still working on translating veto geometry text file into RATDB text file
format (and checking dimensions along the way). Once done, we can retire
the veto-specific geometry parser and builder classes.
date 2005.; author volsung; state Exp;
Matthew Worcester Last modified: Fri Mar 10 23:14:00 CST 2006