Version 1.10
@Typo fixed
date 2005.; author tunnell; state Exp;
Version 1.9
@update defaults to new baseline: GDCONCENTRATION = 0.2 (was 0.1), PMTCOVERAGE = 0.25 (was 0.2); update Gd attenuation to be closer to BNL's numbers: ATTENLGD = 1000 (was 400); recalibrate energy scale: ESCALE = 0.8719 (was 0.8535)
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.8
@Updated to include separate members for various attenuation lengths
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.7
@Added Cerenkov on/off switch
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.6
@define two acrylic vessel thicknesses for the 3-zone detector model
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.5
@Changed defulat AV thickness to 1.2 cm (for both 2 and 3 zone detectors
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.4
@Added media id codes and additional attenuation and refraction constants
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.3
@New Energy scale including Comptons
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.2
@New Energy Scale
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.1
@Split out detector specifications from ReactorConstants.hh and put into DetectorDefaults.hh
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Matthew Worcester Last modified: Sat May 21 00:12:00 CDT 2005