Version 1.11
@update reference RMAXGEN = 350 and GdConcentrationRef = 0.2
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.10
@Weak mixing angle parameter added.
date 2005.; author josephf; state Exp;
Version 1.9
@add MaxGammasPerGd = 10
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.8
@Linux Makefile and associated changes to compile with root code
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.7
@Split out detector specifications from ReactorConstants.hh and put into DetectorDefaults.hh
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.6
@New charge spectrum plus move of energy fit
date 2004.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.5
@Erin's fix to set GdConcentration for multiple detectors
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.4
@increase Rmaxgen to 265; increase Ndim to 200; add muon mass
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.3
@add H and C fractions for mineral oil from Chooz; add documentation for doxygen
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.2
@Restructure of the code to handle many particles; adds Cf252 decay code to produce neutrons
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.1
@Initial revision
date 2004.; author root; state Exp;
@import Tim Bolton's ReactorFsim module
date 2004.; author root; state Exp;
Matthew Worcester Last modified: Mon May 16 19:50:00 CDT 2005