Version 1.25
@new code to enable neutron gun events
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.24
@make indicies of refraction for all media settable from the config file
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.23
@Fixed event throwing in elastic scatter routine.
date 2005.; author josephf; state Exp;
Version 1.22
@Added switch so that decay chain setup is called only if chain event type is requested
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.21
@Added info from decay chain.
date 2005.; author josephf; state Exp;
Version 1.20
@update veto events to work with most recent veto simulation output: neutrons handled correctly, other particles need updating
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.19
@Event class adjusted to read in and store elastic scattering information.
date 2005.; author josephf; state Exp;
Version 1.18
@Command line option support and configuration settings are dealt with in a more organized manner. Run ./ReactorFsim -h for more information
date 2005.; author tunnell; state Exp;
Version 1.17
@Fixed problems with the iostream.h to iostream conversion on solaris
date 2005.; author tunnell; state Exp;
Version 1.16
@replace deprecated C++ library headers (ending in .h) with system C++ library headers
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.15
@Fixed variable length array declaration
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.14
@Includes PMTOutputArray and accompanying information, now algorithm free
date 2005.; author dave; state Exp;
Version 1.13
@create new type of event for veto information: eventType = veto handles electrons, positrons, neutrons, and muons from the veto
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.12
@initialized variables to remove comiler warnings
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.11
@Linux Makefile and associated changes to compile with root code
date 2005.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.10
@Changed to use global variables from ReactorConstants.hh and DetectorDefaults.hh, and eliminated variable-length arrays
date 2005.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.9
@call ReactorEvent with nevent information; add compton scattering to prompt Cf gammas
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.8
@Update to Progress logging
date 2004.; author jrk; state Exp;
Version 1.7
@added 'T'RIGGER to event_setup file to turn on/off trigger simulation in ReactorTrigger; added code to ReactorFsim and ReactorEvent to handle new info
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.6
@add electrons: used by muon type events to handle the 9Li/8He beta decay
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.5
@fix to phi values in Rgam and Rneu arrays in muon events
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.4
@add muons to the event routine; add gammas from muons and 252Cf sources to the event routine; ReactorDetector knows to check the event for gammas at the beginning of GenerateGammas; fix a memory leak by deleting temporary particle information arrays at the end of each event
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.3
@change how event_setup.txt file is parsed; add parent process ID to the P array of each particle; mix the cf252 and reactor events if type all is specified; add documentation for doxygen
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.2
@Restructure of the code to handle many particles; adds Cf252 decay code to produce neutrons
date 2004.; author mworcest; state Exp;
Version 1.1
@Initial revision
date 2004.; author root; state Exp;
@import Tim Bolton's ReactorFsim module
date 2004.; author root; state Exp;
Matthew Worcester Last modified: Tue Sep 27 15:44:00 CDT 2005