TODO list for RAT release

From: Stan Seibert (
Date: Mon Oct 31 2005 - 12:20:58 CST

Hi all,

Based on the Fermilab meeting last week, it's clear we need to aim
for an official RAT release in the near future so that people outside
the software development team will have a stable codebase to work
with. Here's my proposal for how this could work:

The remaining critical items which involve new code and/or backward-
incompatible changes are, in descending priority:

1. Finishing up the DAQ simulation, converting it to separate
processors, and moving constants into the database (Josh)

2. Rewriting the event generator code in GLG4sim to make it easier to
use and easier to extend (Stan)

3. Altering the veto simulation data in the data structure to make it
simpler and more clear. (Steve)

4. Review the detector geometry code to make sure it is as user-
configurable as is feasible and leave empty stubs where radically
different detector configurations, such as the UChicago prototype,
could be plugged in. (Chris/Stan)

We should shoot for landing these changes into CVS in the next 3
weeks or so. After that, we should treat the CVS tree as "frozen"
and only check in changes which are bug-fixes or documentation
improvements. During this period, we can focus on the physics
studies of the sort that people have already been doing, so that we
can hopefully shake out the bugs in all this new code that has been

So I'm thinking a schedule something like:
* Nov 21 - CVS feature freeze
* Dec 12(?) - RAT Version 0.1 release

Let me know if there is anything I missed in this list. We can
discuss this plan further on the phone meeting this week.

Stan Seibert

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