From: Hans Jostlein (
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 13:51:29 CDT
Thanks for assembling an agenda, Ed.
I would like to suggest that we have an explicit discussion about a very
important, if not central, issue for Braidwood.
The issue is
"Do we believe in moving the detectors for cross calibration?"
If we do believe in doing the side-by-side cross calibration, then a number
of consequences are implied in that decision:
a. We must cross calibrate every detector at the beginning and at the end
of the run, as a minimum.
(This does not mean every pair as in combinatorics).
b. We must analyze and take full credit for the direct measurement of the
detector acceptance.
I expect a significantly lower systematic error to result from this
If we endorse detector moving half-heartedly, as an "additional cross
there will be consequences, too:
a. We will not be able to claim much lower systematic errors
b. We will do better than double Chooz only statistically, but not
c. It is not clear why anyone would think the experiment would be exciting
and worthwhile to do at all.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Blucher" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 1:03 PM
Subject: Braidwood Collaboration Meeting
> Here is the agenda for this weekend's collaboration meeting. Several
> speakers have not been confirmed -- please contact us if you are unable to
> give a talk. As usual, we'll post talks on the Braidwood web site. It
> would be helpful if you could email your talk to Ed before the meeting.
> Thanks.
> We'll see you on Friday.
> Ed and Mike
> Braidwood Collaboration Meeting
> Video: dial 826763 at 384 kbs
> Voice: 1-510-883-7860; at the prompt enter 826763 follwed by # sign
> Friday May 13, WH10NW
> Software
> 12:30-1:15 Software Status and Plans (T. Bolton)
> MC status (M. Worcester)
> Baseline Issues:
> 1:15-1:45pm Gd concentration (D. Hahn, J.Link)
> 1:45-2:15 Movement system - method/costs/capability (H. Jostlein/Ray
> 2:15-2:45 Underground area design (L. Bartozek)
> 2:45-3:30 Break for Oddone talk
> 3:30-4:00 Refined vessel design (V. Guarino)
> 4:00-6:00 Veto system design (P. Fisher et al.)
> - Improved description and estimates of backgrounds including veto
> - How veto system impacts backgrounds and systematics
> - In-situ monitoring
> 6:00-6:30 Surface building design (Hans Jostlein/Ray Stefanski)
> Saturday May 14, WH10NW
> Baseline contd:
> 8:45-9:00 Final depth and Bore hole information incorporation into
baseline (J. Link)
> 9:00-9:30 Updated underground muon rates (M. Hurwitz)
> Sensitivity issues:
> 9:30-10:00 Improved sensitivity studies - Rate vs. Shape vs. systematics
(M. Shaevitz)
> 10:00-10:30 Justifications for acceptance and other systematics
> -- Updated 2 vs. 3 zone studies: (E. Abouzaid)
> 10:30-10:45 Break
> Cross checks:
> 10:45-11:15 Using isotope production from cosmic muons to measure fiducial
> particularly measuring 9Li/8He and also supernova capability (S. Biller)
> 11:15-11:45 Impact of detector movement as a cross-check (S. Biller)
> Backgrounds:
> 11:45-12:15 Other background issues
> Lunch 12:15-1:00
> Elastic scattering measurement: (Janet)
> 1:00-2:00
> - Overview of status and memos
> - Discussion of how to put forward to NuSAG
> - New review committee plan
> Calibration:
> 2:00-2:30 Introduction (J. Klein)
> 2:30-3:00 Source movement system (E. Pod)
> 3:00-3:30 Dissolved sources - (N. Jelley)
> 3:30-4:30 General Discussion
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